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XploRe - Application Guide

Härdle, W.; Hlavka, Z.; Klinke, S.

2000 IV, 525 pp. With CD-ROM. Softcover

Euro 99

This book offers a detailed application guide to XploRe - the interactive statistical computing environment - with case studies of real data analysis situations. It helps the beginner in statistical data analysis to learn in gradual steps how XploRe works in real life applications. Many examples from practice are discussed and analysed in full length. Great emphasis is put on graphics based understanding of the data interrelations. The case studies include: Survival modelling with Cox's proportional hazard regression.- Vitamine C data analysis with Quantile Regression.- Human capital allocation with smoothing methods.- Cluster analysis of butterfly data.- Money market analysis with Dynamic Partial Least Squares.- Media metrics with correspondance analysis.- Multiple and flexible time series analysis of macro economic data.- As well as other case studies.

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Experimental Stochastics

von Moeschlin, Grycko, Pohl, Steinert

Elektronisches Monograph (CD mit 206-seitigem Handbuch) behandelt die Erzeugung und das Testen künstlicher Zufallszahlen und demonstriert ihre praktische Anwendung.

Künstliche Zufallsexperimente ermöglichen die Behandlung einer Vielzahl von Problemen.

Die Software ist nach Themenbereichen organisiert: künstliche Zufälligkeit, stochastische Modelle, stochastishe Prozesse, Evaluation stochastischer Methoden.

Die gewählten Beispiele reichen von der Kontrolle von Straßenampeln bis zum Maxwell-Gesetz zur Geschwindigkeitsverteilung von Gasen.

Das Material wird mit Visualisierung und elektronischen Texten, aber auch im Begleitheft dargestellt.

CD ROM mit Handbuch (1998, 206 S.)

77 Euro

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WinSTAT for Excel

Einfacher Einstieg in die Datenanalyse . Leistungsfähiges Statistikprogramm.

Die statistischen und grafischen Funktionen eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben.

Input your data directly in Excel, or use one of the many import possibilites that Excel offers.

Choose your statistics functions using the Add-In menu right in Excel. You never need to change programs.

All results appear as Excel tables and Excel charts. You have all of Excel's customizing features at your fingertips. Printing problems and export problems belong to the past. And integrating your results into a report is what Office is all about. You can copy to Word or Power Point and even dynamically link the results to your report.

geeignet für PCs.

91 Euro

Function reference list

Descriptive Statistics
* Frequencies
* Means
* Test of Randomness
* Test of Outliers
* Test of Normal Distribution
* Chi-Square Test
* Crosstabs

Comparison of 2 Groups
* t-Test independent
* t-Test dependent
* U-Test (Mann-Whitney)
* Wilcoxon Test
* McNemar Test

Comparison of N Groups
* Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
* Repeated Measures
* H-Test (Kruskal-Wallis)
* Friedman-Test
* Q-Test (Cochran)

* Pearson Correlaton
* Spearman Rank Correlation
* Kendall's Tau
* Partial Correlation
* Crosscorrelation

* Simple Regression
* Polynomial Regression
* Multiple Regression

Discriminant Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Factor Analysis
Survival Analysis (Kaplan-Meier)
Process Capability

Charts (Graphics)
* Histogram
* Means
* Box & Whiskers
* Scatter Plot
* Cumulative Frequency
* Quality Control Charts
* Pareto Diagram

Other graphics are integrated directly into statistical reports, for example:

* Regression plots of simple and polynomial regressions
* Factor loadings of a Factor Analysis
* Dendogram of a Cluster Analysis
* Survival probabilities of a Survival Analysis

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